• Six Steps to Win Your Consumer
    On Their Path to Purchase

    Hey there, thanks for dropping in!

    Understanding the journey your customers take from your brand being an unknown, to brand loyalty can truly be a winding road. I encourage every marketer to commit to developing a 360° holistic plan that engages your target audience. That’s the magic sauce to success.

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    “Connecting with your consumer and building fan trust is the most important goal a band has. This trust builds an emotional connection. That emotional connection builds engagement, conversion, loyalty, and ultimately advocacy."

    Six Areas of the Consumer Path To Purchase

    Discovery, Engagement, Trial, Conversion,

    Loyalty, and Advocacy

    In this webinar "Six Steps To Win Your Consumer On Their path To Purchase"

    you will gain tangible and executable tactics you can incorporate into your business.


    In less than an hour, I will guide you through this webinar and will outline the following key areas:

    • Understanding the customer’s journey and how to take your brand from being an unknown to a well-known

    • Accelerating trial through stewarding an omnichannel presence

    • How to build products and experiences that connect with your customer

    • Engage with and retain your consumers

    • Build lasting relationships that shape your brand and incite loyalty and advocacy

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    Webinar Recording

    In this webinar, you will learn the six steps to win your consumer on their path to purchase.

    Discovery, Engagement, Trial, Conversion, Loyalty, and Advocacy

    We will walk through key strategies, tactics, and messages that you can use to grow your business.

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    Hi, I’m Kristine Carey, owner of Brand Guide and I am a marketing and communications professional and coach and also the creator of Brandamentals Academy. An eLearning marketing communications curriculum for startup and emerging brands that are purpose-driven with better-for-you products and service.